I came across these images over the weekend - well, "stole" from someone else's collection of inspiring images might be a more accurate way to describe it. My good friend Dee, who I can always count on for inspiration with her own photography, is amassing a "lost and found" of images she came across on the internet by unknown artists. In her words (and I couldn't have said this better myself) they're meant to "reflect my thoughts, inspire me to dream and create Art." Only in my case the last part would say "create handbags." Enjoy, go forth...and create!
Complete and utter lazy contentment on a Sunday morning. What I dream about now and anticipate come January.
Someone once told me that earlier versions of my handbags reminded them of cupcakes because they were like colorful little confections...I still relish in the reference.
What I tell myself at 4am when I'm still sewing with no intent to stop.
Looking forward to having someone to eat breakfast with soon.
I LOVE these photos!!