Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gigantically Excited

I love finding out about great new bands, artists and designers that, while they may already be successful in their own right, are new to me, and it seems like the very best discoveries are ones that come to me in the most unexpected of circumstances. And I'm here to talk about a band that I just found out about from Brooklyn (sigh) that is just...incredible. I "discovered" them via reconnecting with a very dear friend that I haven't been in touch with since high school (rest assured it was quite some time ago) who is 1/5 of the group. So awesome to reconnect with this friend who I remember from one of the coolest periods of my life, even cooler to see him still doing something that he loves to do and kicking ass at it.

I'm terrible at describing music in terms of genres; I'm not even about to attempt that here. Just roll with me and take a listen for yourself here to (what I would describe as) the introspective, anthemic, soundtrack-to-the-indie-movie-that-is-your-life-esque sounds of Gigantic Hand and their album Permanent Skin. And thank me after.

Eddie - my old high school bud and guitarist for Gigantic Hand

Can't wait to check these guys out live in Brooklyn when the time comes. For info on the band related to shows, music and the latest news, click here to visit their MySpace page.

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