The root cause of this post is that I've just emerged from the black hole of the design process, and am now happily ensconced my very favorite part of what I do - production! Making sh*t! Gettin' 'er done! (that last one is for my Texas friends.)
I looooooooooove picking out fun fabrics, the whole mixing and matching and (bleeping) stuff up artistically to make the colorful little creations that are the very reason why I leap out of bed every day and can't get to my sewing machine fast enough. This is where I'm at now - cranking out the tangible stuff that I can look at and say "yes, dammit...I freaking made that crazy bag."
So it is in my resurrection from this dark tunnel that I offer a sneak peek at some of the fun little items I've been eeking out over the past few weeks, doing that annoying task of (bleah, shudder) designing.

Smart Phone/iPhone Sleeves with...
you guessed it - "hand straps" to keep your phone handy as well.

And yes, my inspiration is heavily influenced by my tendency to set down and forget both my business cards and phone wherever I go.